Ask a user for confirmation when he or she deletes a diagram shape

Apples to: Nevron Diagram for .NET

How to ask a user for confirmation when he or she deletes a diagram shape?

To ask the user for confirmation when he or she deletes a shape from the diagram, you should do the following things:


// Subscribe to the OnNodeRemoving event of the NDrawingDocument:
nDrawingDocument1.EventSinkService.NodeRemoving += new ChildNodeCancelEventHandler(EventSinkService_NodeRemoving);
// Place the needed code in the event handler:
void EventSinkService_NodeRemoving(NChildNodeCancelEventArgs args)
    if(MessageBox.Show("Remove ?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) !=
        args.Cancel = true;


' Subscribe to the OnNodeRemoving event of the NDrawingDocument:
AddHandler NDrawingDocument1.EventSinkService.NodeRemoving, AddressOf EventSinkService_NodeRemoving
' Place the needed code in the event handler:
Private Sub EventSinkService_NodeRemoving(args As NChildNodeCancelEventArgs)
    If MessageBox.Show("Remove ?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) <> DialogResult.Yes Then
        args.Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Article ID: 15, Created On: 9/29/2010, Modified: 5/5/2011