Show the shape directly in "InPlaceEdit" mode

Applies to: Nevron Diagram for .NET

How to show the shape directly in "InPlaceEdit" mode?

After dragging and dropping a shape from a library you can show the shape directly in "InPlaceEdit" mode, so that the user can directly edit the text of the Shape.

You can do this programmatically:

  1. Subscribe for the NodeInserted event of the document event sink service.
  2. When a shape is inserted in the diagram you can start its inplace editing.
  3. The following code will help you get started with your implementation:
public void StartInplaceEdit(NShape shape)
    // create edit control
    Control control = shape.CreateInplaceEditControl(NPointF.Empty);
    if ((control is INInplaceEditControl) == false)
    // add the control in the view and transform it
    (control as INInplaceEditControl).Transform(nDrawingView1.m_DocumentWorldToDevice);
    // the view must be notified when the control is destroyed
    control.HandleDestroyed += new
    // show it

Public Sub StartInplaceEdit(shape As NShape)
    ' create edit control
    Dim control As Control = shape.CreateInplaceEditControl(NPointF.Empty)
    If (TypeOf control Is INInplaceEditControl) = False Then
    End If
    ' add the control in the view and transform it
    TryCast(control, INInplaceEditControl).Transform(nDrawingView1.m_DocumentWorldToDevice)
    ' the view must be notified when the control is destroyed
    control.HandleDestroyed += New EventHandler(nDrawingView1.OnControlHandleDestroyed)
    ' show it
End Sub

Article ID: 16, Created On: 9/29/2010, Modified: 11/15/2010