Applies to: Nevron Diagram for .NET (Map for .NET)

How to add tooltips for the map country shapes?

With Nevron Diagram for .NET you can add tooltips to your Maps by using the NInteractivityStyle. In this example we will create a FeatureCreatedCallback class to add tooltips for the map shapes, showing the Area, Population and Population Density for each map region.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Nevron.Diagram;
using Nevron.Diagram.Maps;
using Nevron.GraphicsCore;
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        view.ViewLayout = ViewLayout.Fit;
        document.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(204, 255, 204));
        document.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(new NLength(0.75f, NGraphicsUnit.Point), Color.FromArgb(119, 119, 119));
        document.RoutingManager.Enabled = false;
        document.BridgeManager.Enabled = false;
        document.Bounds = new NRectangleF(0, 0, 2700, 2700);
        document.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);
        // create the map
        NEsriMap m_Map = new NEsriMap();
        // create the COUNTRIES shape file
        NEsriShapefile countries = m_Map.Add(SHAPEFILE_NAME);
        countries.NameColumn = "GMI_ADMIN";
        countries.TextColumn = "ADMIN_NAME";
        // read the map data
        // create a feature created callback
        m_Map.ShapeImporter.FeatureCreatedCallback = new NFeatureCallback();
        // create a fill rule
        NMapFillRuleRange fillRule = new NMapFillRuleRange(countries, "POP_ADMIN", Color.Green, Color.White, 9);
        fillRule.DataGrouping = DataGrouping.Optimal;
        // import the map data
        m_Map.Import(document, document.Bounds);
        // make the Map layer the active layer so that the user can select the map shapes
        string layerName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SHAPEFILE_NAME);
        NLayer mapLayer = (NLayer)document.Layers.GetChildByName(layerName);
        document.ActiveLayerUniqueId = mapLayer.UniqueId;
        // size to visible shapes
        document.SizeToContent(document.AutoBoundsMinSize, document.AutoBoundsPadding);
    // select the map shape file
    private const string SHAPEFILE_NAME = @"C:\Maps\japan.shp";   
class NFeatureCallback : NFeatureCreatedCallback
    #region INFeatureCreatedCallback Members
    public override bool OnPolygonCreated(NDiagramElement element, NGisFeature feature)
        NShape shape = element as NShape;
        if (shape == null)
            return true;
        string name = feature.Attributes["ADMIN_NAME"].ToString();
        float population = Single.Parse(feature.Attributes["POP_ADMIN"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        float area = Single.Parse(feature.Attributes["SQKM_ADMIN"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        // add a tooltip to the map shapes
        NInteractivityStyle interactivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(
            string.Format("{1}{0}======================{0}Area: {2:N} km2{0}Population: {3:N0} people{0}Pop. Density: {4:N} people/km2",
            Environment.NewLine, name, area, population, population / area));
        shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = interactivityStyle;
        return true;
    public override bool OnMultiPolygonCreated(NDiagramElement element, NGisFeature feature)
        return OnPolygonCreated(element, feature);

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Nevron.Diagram
Imports Nevron.Diagram.Maps
Imports Nevron.GraphicsCore
Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        view.ViewLayout = ViewLayout.Fit
        document.Style.FillStyle = New NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(204, 255, 204))
        document.Style.StrokeStyle = New NStrokeStyle(New NLength(0.75F, NGraphicsUnit.Point), Color.FromArgb(119, 119, 119))
        document.RoutingManager.Enabled = False
        document.BridgeManager.Enabled = False
        document.Bounds = New NRectangleF(0, 0, 2700, 2700)
        document.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = New NColorFillStyle(Color.White)
        ' create the map
        Dim m_Map As New NEsriMap()
        ' create the COUNTRIES shape file
        Dim countries As NEsriShapefile = m_Map.Add(SHAPEFILE_NAME)
        countries.NameColumn = "GMI_ADMIN"
        countries.TextColumn = "ADMIN_NAME"
        ' read the map data
        ' create a feature created callback
        m_Map.ShapeImporter.FeatureCreatedCallback = New NFeatureCallback()
        ' create a fill rule
        Dim fillRule As New NMapFillRuleRange(countries, "POP_ADMIN", Color.Green, Color.White, 9)
        fillRule.DataGrouping = DataGrouping.Optimal
        ' import the map data
        m_Map.Import(document, document.Bounds)
        ' make the Map layer the active layer so that the user can select the map shapes
        Dim layerName As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SHAPEFILE_NAME)
        Dim mapLayer As NLayer = DirectCast(document.Layers.GetChildByName(layerName), NLayer)
        document.ActiveLayerUniqueId = mapLayer.UniqueId
        ' size to visible shapes
        document.SizeToContent(document.AutoBoundsMinSize, document.AutoBoundsPadding)
    End Sub
    ' select the map shape file
    Private Const SHAPEFILE_NAME As String = "C:\Maps\japan.shp"
End Class
Class NFeatureCallback
    Inherits NFeatureCreatedCallback
#Region "INFeatureCreatedCallback Members"
    Public Overrides Function OnPolygonCreated(ByVal element As NDiagramElement, ByVal feature As NGisFeature) As Boolean
        Dim shape As NShape = TryCast(element, NShape)
        If shape Is Nothing Then
            Return True
        End If
        Dim name As String = feature.Attributes("ADMIN_NAME").ToString()
        Dim population As Single = [Single].Parse(feature.Attributes("POP_ADMIN").ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        Dim area As Single = [Single].Parse(feature.Attributes("SQKM_ADMIN").ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
        ' add a tooltip to the map shapes
        Dim interactivityStyle As New NInteractivityStyle(String.Format("{1}{0}======================{0}Area: {2:N} km2{0}Population: {3:N0} people{0}Pop. Density: {4:N} people/km2", Environment.NewLine, name, area, population, population / area))
        shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = interactivityStyle
        Return True
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function OnMultiPolygonCreated(ByVal element As NDiagramElement, ByVal feature As NGisFeature) As Boolean
        Return OnPolygonCreated(element, feature)
    End Function
#End Region
End Class

For more details, take a look at the .NET Vision Help Documentation
Diagram for .NET >> User’s Guide >> Maps

Article ID: 170, Created On: 1/11/2011, Modified: 1/11/2011