Localize and format the week in the Chart Range Timeline scale

Applies to: Nevron Chart for .NET

How to localize and format the week in the Chart Range Timeline scale?

If you are using the Chart Range Timeline Scale (NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator), you may want to localize the Week. For example, change W (Week in English) to S (Semaine in French).

The following code demonstrates how to change the Week formatting for the Second Row of the Range Timeline scale in Nevron Chart for .NET. If the week unit appears in the third or first row you can do the same for FirstRow and ThirdRow (see the last three lines of code).


NLineSeries series = (NLineSeries)chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line);
series.UseXValues = true;
series.Values.AddRange(new double[] { 20, 30, 15 });
series.XValues.Add(new DateTime(2012, 03, 01, 12, 0, 0).ToOADate());
series.XValues.Add(new DateTime(2012, 03, 15, 12, 0, 0).ToOADate());
series.XValues.Add(new DateTime(2012, 03, 31, 12, 0, 0).ToOADate());
NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator scaleX = new NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator();
scaleX.SecondRow.TickMode = TimelineScaleRowTickMode.Custom;
scaleX.SecondRow.CustomStep = new NDateTimeSpan(1, NDateTimeUnit.Week);
NDateTimeValueFormatter vf = new NDateTimeValueFormatter("#W");
vf.WeekFormatString = "S{0}";
scaleX.SecondRow.DateTimeUnitFormatterPairs.WeekFormatter = vf;

Dim series As NLineSeries = DirectCast(chart.Series.Add(SeriesType.Line), NLineSeries)
series.UseXValues = True
series.Values.AddRange(New Double() {20, 30, 15})
series.XValues.Add(New DateTime(2012, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0).ToOADate())
series.XValues.Add(New DateTime(2012, 3, 15, 12, 0, 0).ToOADate())
series.XValues.Add(New DateTime(2012, 3, 31, 12, 0, 0).ToOADate())
Dim scaleX As New NRangeTimelineScaleConfigurator()
scaleX.SecondRow.TickMode = TimelineScaleRowTickMode.[Custom]
scaleX.SecondRow.CustomStep = New NDateTimeSpan(1, NDateTimeUnit.Week)
Dim vf As New NDateTimeValueFormatter("#W")
vf.WeekFormatString = "S{0}"
scaleX.SecondRow.DateTimeUnitFormatterPairs.WeekFormatter = vf

Article ID: 212, Created On: 3/19/2012, Modified: 3/19/2012