FAQ - Nevron SharePoint Web Parts Appearance Editors Preview not working

Applies to: Nevron Vision for SharePoint web parts (WSS3.0, SharePoint 2007/2010/2013)

FAQ - Nevron SharePoint Web Parts Appearance Editors Preview not working

Nevron Vision for SharePoint Web Parts (for SharePoint 2007, 2010 and SharePoint 2013) allow you to configure the visual appearance through the designers' Appearance Editors. These editors include:
Fill Style Editor
Stroke Style Editor
Shadow Style Editor
Text Style Editor
Frame Style Editor
Image Filters Style Editor
XML Formatted Texts

With the Appearance Editors we have provided a Preview which can assist you when your configure the web parts. We have implemented the Preview as Query String. Because of the default configuration (RequestLimits) of the IIS, the Preview may not work correctly on the Web applications on SharePoint environments (2007/2010/2013).

This problem is because of the default values for the RequestLimits in the IIS settings for the web application (MaxAllowedContentLength, MaxUrl, and MaxQueryString). Generally, you need to increase the Max Query String to have the Preview working.

The topic explains how to resolve this issue, how to increase the Max Query String for the Web Application and have the Appearance Editors Preview to work properly.

You can review more details about the Request Limits <requestLimits> here: Request Limits <requestLimits>

From the topic, you can check the Compatibility section:
For IIS 6.0 - The <requestLimits> element replaces the IIS 6.0 UrlScan [RequestLimits] features.
For IIS 7.0 - The <requestLimits> element of the <requestFiltering> collection was introduced in IIS 7.0.
For IIS 7.5 - The <requestLimits> element was not modified in IIS 7.5.

The following topic provides more information about the UrlScan tool (current latest version 3.1) as well as installation and usage instructions: UrlScan 3 Reference

Resolution for SharePoint 2007 Environment (WSS3.0 and MOSS2007):
If you are working with SharePoint 2007, most probably you have IIS 6.0. If your version of IIS is 7.0 or higher, please skip this section.

For IIS 6.0 - The <requestLimits> element replaces the IIS 6.0 UrlScan [RequestLimits] features.
This is why you need to download and install the UrlScan tool from Microsoft. Take a look at: UrlScan 3 Reference

Once you install the UrlScan tool, you can check the following folder in your server: C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan

It is no longer necessary to restart IIS after updating your UrlScan.ini file since UrlScan 3.0 added change notifications for the UrlScan.ini file. Edit the UrlScan.ini file, update the following section and save the file:



To have the Appearance Editors Preview working properly, we recommend that you set the MaxQueryString to at least 10000. If your environment is a SharePoint Farm with multiple WFE servers, you may need to do the same for each WFE server.

Resolution for SharePoint 2010 Environment:
If you are working with SharePoint 2010, most probably you have IIS 7.0 or higher.

IIS 7.0 allows you to change the default configurations for the web applications (MaxAllowedContentLength, MaxUrl, and MaxQueryString) directly in the IIS Manager. We highly recommend this approach instead of modifying your web.config files manually.

The Request Filtering >> Query Strings Settings can be set for specific web applications separately, or for the whole server. In the IIS Manager, select the web application you need and open Request Filtering.

Once you open Request Filtering, select the Query Stings and click the Edit Feature Settings…

In the following dialog, increase the Maximum query string (Bytes):

To have the Appearance Editors Preview working properly, we recommend that you set the MaxQueryString to at least 10000. If your environment is a SharePoint Farm with multiple WFE servers, you may need to do the same for each WFE server.

Article ID: 214, Created On: 3/21/2012, Modified: 1/29/2013