Turn off inplaceedit for any shapes added to the document

Applies to: Nevron Diagram for .NET

How to turn off inplaceedit for any shapes added to the document?

The best way to turn off inplaceedit for any shapes added to the document is to raise the InplaceEditable protection flag. For a shape this is done via the following code:

NAbilities protection = shape.Protection;
protection.InplaceEdit = true;
shape.Protection = protection;

Dim protection As NAbilities = shape.Protection
protection.InplaceEdit = True
shape.Protection = protection

To enumerate all shapes in the diagram use the following code:

NNodeTreeEnumerator en = new NNodeTreeEnumerator(drawingDocument, NFilters.TypeNShape, -1, TreeTraversalOrder.DepthFirstPreOrder);
while (en.MoveNext())
    NShape shape = (NShape)en.Current;

Dim en As New NNodeTreeEnumerator(drawingDocument, NFilters.TypeNShape, -1, TreeTraversalOrder.DepthFirstPreOrder)
While en.MoveNext()
    Dim shape As NShape = DirectCast(en.Current, NShape)
End While

Article ID: 47, Created On: 10/5/2010, Modified: 11/15/2010