Applies to: Nevron User Interface for .NET

How to use the NForm component at design-time?

You need to change the base class of your form so that it derives from NForm rather that Form. Follow these steps to accomplish this:

1. Add references to Nevron.System.dll and Nevron.Presentation.dll assemblies to your project.
2. Qualify the NForm type in the code scope
3. Change the base class of your form to be NForm

using Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls;
public class MyNForm : NForm

Imports Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls
Partial Class MyNForm
  Inherits NForm
End Class

Remarks: The above examples code is located in MyNForm1.cs for C# projects and in MyNForm1.Designer.vb for VB.NET projects

Article ID: 107, Created On: 11/1/2010, Modified: 11/16/2010