Nevron Vision for SharePoint web parts Deployment Troubleshooting

This article addresses some common deployment problems with the Nevron SharePoint web parts and troubleshooting web parts deployment issues. The article can be used as a complement of the Nevron Vision for SharePoint web parts Installation Guidelines article.

How to check if the SharePoint Vision web parts are deployed correctly in SharePoint

After installing Nevron SharePoint Vision and registering the Chart/Gauge web parts, you need to check the following:

1. Check the GAC folder for the Nevron assemblies. You need to have the following assemblies
- Nevron.Chart
- Nevron.Chart.SharePoint
- Nevron.Chart.Template
- Nevron.Chart.WebForm
- Nevron.GraphicsGL
- Nevron.Pivot
- Nevron.Presentation
- Nevron.SPVision
- Nevron.System
- Nevron.UI.WebForm.Controls

2. Web.config modifications. You need to have the following lines in your web.config file:

    <SafeControl Assembly="Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" Namespace="Nevron.SPVision" TypeName="*" Safe="True" SafeAgainstScript="False" />
    <SafeControl Assembly="Nevron.Chart.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=061415a4cdb7466a" Namespace="Nevron.Chart.SharePoint" TypeName="*" Safe="True" SafeAgainstScript="False" />

 Important - if you are upgrading to a newer versions of the web parts, make sure you have the old and the new version in the SafeControls section.

For SharePoint 2007:
    <add path="NGradientVariantPreview.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NGradientVariantPreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />
    <add path="NHatchStylePreview.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NHatchStylePreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />
    <add path="NImageFiltersEditor.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NImageFiltersEditorHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />
    <add path="NImageLoader.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NImageLoaderHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />
    <add path="NSmallStylePreview.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NSmallStylePreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />
    <add path="NStylePreview.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NStylePreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />
    <add path="NTextLoader.axd" verb="*" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NTextLoaderHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" validate="false" />

For SharePoint 2010:
    <add name="NGradientVariantPreview" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NGradientVariantPreview.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NGradientVariantPreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />
    <add name="NHatchStylePreview" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NHatchStylePreview.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NHatchStylePreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />
    <add name="NImageFiltersEditor" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NImageFiltersEditor.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NImageFiltersEditorHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />
    <add name="NImageLoader" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NImageLoader.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NImageLoaderHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />
    <add name="NSmallStylePreview" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NSmallStylePreview.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NSmallStylePreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />
    <add name="NStylePreview" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NStylePreview.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NStylePreviewHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />
    <add name="NTextLoader" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="NTextLoader.axd" type="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NTextLoaderHttpHandler, Nevron.SPVision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" />

 Important - the version of the web part need to be updated with the appropriate one. In SharePoint 2010, the <httpHandlers> section is called <handlers>.

3. Check the Web Part Gallery in the SharepointApplication

You need to have the following web parts there:
- NevronChartforSharepoint2011Vol.1.webpart
- NevronChartforSharepoint2011Vol.1.webpart

If the web parts are missing from the Web Part Gallery, you need to check if the Nevron feature is present in the Site Collection Feature and Activate it:

4. Check the SharePoint Folder for the following files:

Usually they are located in : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron (for SharePoint 2007) and respectively in : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron (for SharePoint 2010)

Check if NChartCommander.aspx and NGaugeCommander.aspx files have the same version which is currently installed. Open them with Notepad and check for the following:

<%@ Register Assembly="Nevron.SPVision,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" Namespace="Nevron.SPVision.Design" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<%@ Page Language="C#" validateRequest="false" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NChartCommander" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="Nevron.SPVision,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=c37de877cbfea086" Namespace="Nevron.SPVision.Design" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<%@ Page Language="C#" validateRequest="false" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Nevron.SPVision.Design.NGaugeCommander" %>

 Note that the current version is

What security rights should I have to view/edit the web part?

1. Viewing the web part:
There are no limitations on the users who can view the web parts. If these users can see the SharePoint web content of your application, they will be able to see the charts/gauges. The users should also have Read permissions for the Data Source that the web parts are connected to.

On this screenshot you can see that the current user has no rights for editing the page (on the top-right corner, the SharePoint menu for editing the page is missing).

2. Editing the web part:
All users, who need to edit and work with our web part designer, should have the following rights:

- Should be able to modify the page which contains our web part:

- Should have DB rights to the data which will use for binding our web part – (rights to SharePoint List or SQL Server or other possible data source)

Article ID: 125, Created On: 11/15/2010, Modified: 8/14/2012