Check whether 2 arbitrary shapes intersect/overlap in the Diagram

Applies to: Nevron Diagram for .NET

How to check whether 2 arbitrary shapes intersect/overlap in the Diagram?

In Nevron Diagram for .NET, you may need to know if a shape is intersecting another shape. For example, if you draw a circle (or other) shape, you may need to determine if another shape is intersecting the circle shape.

In order to check whether two arbitrary shapes intersect you can use the Region class. Following are 2 helper methods that can assist you with this:


private static Region GetRegion(NShape shape)
        if (shape is NPrimitiveShape)
               // This is a primitive shape -> is has only one primitive
                NPathPrimitive pathPrimitive = ((NPrimitiveShape)shape).Primitive as NPathPrimitive;
               if (pathPrimitive != null)
                       return new Region(pathPrimitive.Path);
        else if (shape is NCompositeShape)
                // This is a composite shape, so loop through its primitives to create a region
               Region region = new Region();
                NNodeList pathPrimitives = ((NCompositeShape)shape).Primitives.Children(NFilters.TypeNPathPrimitive);
               for (int i = 0, count = pathPrimitives.Count; i < count; i++)
                       NPathPrimitive pathPrimitive = (NPathPrimitive)pathPrimitives[i];
               return region;
        return null;
private static bool Intersects(NShape shape1, NShape shape2, Graphics g)
        if (shape1 == null || shape2 == null)
               return false;
        Region region1 = GetRegion(shape1);
        if (region1 == null || region1.IsEmpty(g))
               return false;
        Region region2 = GetRegion(shape2);
        if (region2 == null || region2.IsEmpty(g))
               return false;
        return region1 != null && region1.IsEmpty(g) == false;

Private Shared Function GetRegion(shape As NShape) As Region
    If TypeOf shape Is NPrimitiveShape Then
        ' This is a primitive shape -> is has only one primitive
        Dim pathPrimitive As NPathPrimitive = TryCast(DirectCast(shape, NPrimitiveShape).Primitive, NPathPrimitive)
        If pathPrimitive IsNot Nothing Then
            Return New Region(pathPrimitive.Path)
        End If
    ElseIf TypeOf shape Is NCompositeShape Then
        ' This is a composite shape, so loop through its primitives to create a region
        Dim region As New Region()
        Dim pathPrimitives As NNodeList = DirectCast(shape, NCompositeShape).Primitives.Children(NFilters.TypeNPathPrimitive)
        Dim i As Integer = 0, count As Integer = pathPrimitives.Count
        While i < count
            Dim pathPrimitive As NPathPrimitive = DirectCast(pathPrimitives(i), NPathPrimitive)
            i += 1
        End While
        Return region
    End If
    Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function Intersects(shape1 As NShape, shape2 As NShape, g As Graphics) As Boolean
    If shape1 Is Nothing OrElse shape2 Is Nothing Then
        Return False
    End If
    Dim region1 As Region = GetRegion(shape1)
    If region1 Is Nothing OrElse region1.IsEmpty(g) Then
        Return False
    End If
    Dim region2 As Region = GetRegion(shape2)
    If region2 Is Nothing OrElse region2.IsEmpty(g) Then
        Return False
    End If
    Return region1 IsNot Nothing AndAlso region1.IsEmpty(g) = False
End Function

Simply call the Intersects method to check whether the two shapes intersect or not.

Article ID: 233, Created On: 1/25/2013, Modified: 1/25/2013