Add NOV Diagram control in MonoMac project at runtime

Add NOV Diagram control in MonoMac project at runtime

To get started and host NOV in your Mac OS X (MonoMac) application, take a look at: Getting Started with NOV in MonoMac project

The following topic shows how to add a NOV Diagram Widget (control) in MonoMac project at runtime.

1. Reference the NOV Assemblies
Ensure that your application references the following NOV dlls:
Nevron.Nov.Presentation.dll - core NOV portable assembly;
Nevron.Nov.Host.MonoMac.dll - presentation host for MonoMac;
MonoMac.dll - make sure to reference the MonoMac.dll that comes with the NOV installation and remove the default one, which is created by Xamarin Studio;
Nevron.Nov.Diagram.dll - assembly for the NDiagramModule;

You can reference the dlls directly from the System/Applications/ folder or copy those dlls to a folder which is more convenient for referencing.

2. When initializing the NOV Application, make sure to create the Diagram module
Open the Main.cs file and use the following code:

using System;
using Nevron.Nov;
using Nevron.Nov.Mac;
using Nevron.Nov.Diagram;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;
using MonoMac.Foundation;
using MonoMac.AppKit;
namespace MonoMacApplication1
    class MainClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            NLicenseManager.Instance.SetLicense(new NLicense("LICENSE KEY"));
            // install NOV
            NModule[] modules = new NModule[]
                // TODO: Create modules here

3. Create the Diagram Drawing View, add two shapes and connect them
Open the MainWindow.cs file and use the following code to create the Diagram:

using Nevron.Nov;
using Nevron.Nov.Diagram;
using Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;
using MonoMac.Foundation;
using MonoMac.AppKit;
namespace MonoMacApplication1
    public partial class MainWindow : NSWindow
        #region Constructors
        // Called when created from unmanaged code
        public MainWindow(IntPtr handle)
            : base(handle)
        // Called when created directly from a XIB file
        public MainWindow(NSCoder coder)
            : base(coder)
        // Shared initialization code
        void Initialize()
            NApplication.ApplyTheme(new NMacElCapitanTheme());
            // Create a drawing view
            NDrawingView drawingView = new NDrawingView();
            // Get the drawing view document and its active page
            NDrawingDocument document = drawingView.Document;
            NPage activePage = document.Content.ActivePage;
            // Create a rectange shape to the active page items
            NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory();
            NShape rectangleShape = factory.CreateShape(ENBasicShapes.Rectangle);
            rectangleShape.Text = "My First Shape";
            rectangleShape.SetBounds(25, 25, 100, 100);
            // Create a rect with corner rounding
            NShape roundRectShape = factory.CreateShape(ENBasicShapes.Rectangle);
            roundRectShape.Text = "My Rounded Rect Shape";
            roundRectShape.Geometry.CornerRounding = 10;
            roundRectShape.SetBounds(400, 80, 100, 100);
            // Create a rounded routable connector
            NConnectorShapesFactory connectorFactory = new NConnectorShapesFactory();
            NShape connector = connectorFactory.CreateShape(ENConnectorShapes.RoutableConnector);
            connector.Geometry.CornerRounding = 20;
            // create NOV host
            this.ContentView = new NNovWidgetHost(drawingView);

Run the application - it should display a simple Mac window with a Diagram.

For more information about the NOV Diagram component, take a look at the Help Documentation:
Diagram > Diagram Overview

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Article ID: 257, Created On: 8/16/2016, Modified: 8/16/2016