Delete a port of a predefined shape that was created with shape factory

Applies to: Nevron Diagram for .NET

How to delete a port of a predefined shape that was created with shape factory?

If you need to remove a port from a predefined shape, you can remove it from the Ports collection of the shape. The following code example shows how to remove the center port of a rectangle shape:

// create the basic shapes factory
NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(nDrawingDocument1);
// create a rectangle and remove the center port
NShape rect1 = factory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);
NPort port1 = (NPort)rect1.Ports.GetChildByName("Center");

' create the basic shapes factory
Dim factory As New NBasicShapesFactory(nDrawingDocument1)
' create a rectangle and remove the center port
Dim rect1 As NShape = factory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle)
Dim port1 As NPort = DirectCast(rect1.Ports.GetChildByName("Center"), NPort)

Article ID: 77, Created On: 10/6/2010, Modified: 11/15/2010