FAQ - Nevron Controls Deployment Guidelines

Applies to: Nevron .NET Vision components

FAQ - Nevron Controls Deployment Guidelines

This topic contains information relevant to the developers who have to deploy applications, which use components from the Nevron .NET Vision suite.

When you use one of the components in the package it becomes an integral part of your application. Therefore when you need to ship that application to the end user you must also ship all components that are used in your application in order for it to function properly on the target machine.

In general there are two deployment scenarios:

Deploy Nevron assemblies as private assemblies
This is the recommended deployment scenario. In this scenario all assemblies on which the application depends are shipped to the bin folder of the application. In this case you must make sure that the application is compiled with the "Copy Local" property of the assembly set to true. This is because initially all components of the .NET Vision reside in the GAC (global assembly cache). To do this follow these steps:

1. Open Visual Studio
2. Open Your project
3. Open Solution Explorer and located the "References" book.
4. For each assembly that starts with "Nevron" performs steps 5 and 6
5. Right click on the assembly and select properties from the context menu
6. Set the "Copy Local" setting to True

Now you can deploy the application by just copying the bin folder. The following table lists the required assemblies for each product in the package:

Assemblies \ Product Chart WinForm Chart WebForm Diagram WinForm Diagram WebForm UI







Nevron.Presentation.dll  X  X X  X
Nevron.UI.Winform.Docking.dll          X 
Nevron.UI.WebForm.Controls.dll   X    X   
Nevron.GraphicsGL.dll X X       
Nevron.Chart.dll X       
Nevron.Chart.WinForm.dll X         
Nevron.Diagram.dll      X X   
Nevron.Diagram.Layout.dll      X X   
Nevron.Diagram.Shapes.dll      X  X   
Nevron.Diagram.WinForm.dll      X     
Nevron.Diagram.Templates.dll      X  X  

Deploy Nevron assemblies as GAC assemblies
Alternatively you can deploy all Nevron assemblies to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) of the client machine. This can be done in two ways:

1. When you create a VS setup project there is a special folder named Global Assembly Cache. You can place all Nevron assemblies that your application depends upon and the installation will deploy them in the GAC of the client machine.
2. The Nevron .NET Vision package contains a ready to use MSI Merge Module that performs this for you. The VS installer as well as other third party installers support MSI merge modules and this is a widely used strategy for creating modular installations. To integrate the merge module in your application follow these steps:

  • Open your Visual Studio Setup project.
  • Open Solution Explorer.
  • Right click on the Project and select Add\Merge Module from the context menu.
  • Locate the Nevron .NET Vision Deployment folder (for example "C:\Program Files\Nevron\Nevron .NET Vision for VS2005\Deployment").
  • Add the DotNetVisionMergeModuleVS2003.msm or DotNetVisionMergeModuleVS2005.msm merge module depending on the version of Visual Studio that you use for development.

Note: If you use third party installers please consult their documentation in order to learn how to integrate merge modules in the installation.

Article ID: 85, Created On: 10/11/2010, Modified: 12/6/2010